Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Two steps forward & one step back

So I fell off of the face of the earth for a bit preparing for my two crazy sisters, Dana & Katy to arrive for their visit for 2 weeks & we had such fun !  I did, however, before their arrival, manage to stir up some real excitment (if you could hear me you could hear the sarcasm dripping in my voice) of landing myself in the hospital.  Note :  I do this just slightly over the year mark since our car accident last summer that landed me in the hospital with a broken arm requiring my first ever surgery (hopefully the last, too) !

Long story short I had a boil (never had one before) that got way outta control & was seriously infected & they couldn't deal with at insta care so they sent me to the ER where they admitted me around 1am the Thursday before my sisters were to arrive.  Thankfully it turned out to be a regular old staph infection & I was released from the hospital about the same time my sisters landed here. 

A few weeks later now I have the bills all in from my hospital stay & insta care visit & we are up to about $8,000 in medical bills & no medical insurance (the one thing I truly do miss from Army life).  Thankfully - there is things such as financial aid & generous doctors offices who won't charge interest while I make measly monthly payments till the day I die.

This experience has made me decide that while right now the options are pay for medical insurance but don't eat or do without; somehow we HAVE to find a way to get something in place for suprises like this - preferably medical insurance but even just a rainy day fund just for this medical stuff.

Still, I consider us to be making progress.